Platform for Purpose Personal Branding Program for Experts
Platform for Purpose Personal Branding Program for Experts

Expand Your Audience. Increase Your Impact. Leave Your Legacy.

Without letting confusion, overwhelm, or self-doubt get in the way. 

Are you ready to go from occasional opportunities to share your expertise
to being seen as a go-to expert in your industry? 

If so, you’re in the right place. 

You're an expert. Your solutions transform lives, workplaces - or both.

  • Do you know you could help more people if you “put yourself out there” – but you’re not sure how, or where, or what to say?


  • Do you feel a little envious when you see other people in the spotlight, knowing you have more to offer?


  • Do you think “I’ll be ready when…” but “when” keeps changing its definition?

  • Are you tired of living what you feel is a downsized version of yourself? 

If you’re ready to stop being the best-kept secret, beat self-doubt, and finally live the life you feel called to live…


Platform for Purpose Incubator


Platform for Purpose Incubator is a comprehensive coaching and training program that equips subject-matter experts, leaders, and knowledge-based business owners to share their message on bigger platforms. 

In this 12-month, cohort-based program, you will:

Platform for Purpose Impact Roadmap
Build a REAL Strategy

Apply a systematic approach to building your personal brand beyond your current reach. Stop spinning your wheels and work on the right things at the right time

Platform for Purpose Cohort 1
Benefit from Greater Clarity, Community, and Accountability

Enjoy a safe space where even the most accomplished leaders can dream, learn, grow and succeed together. We help each other keep our promises to ourselves and the people we're called to serve.

Isha Cogborn Media Training
Develop Pro-Level Communications Skills

Benefit from in-depth training experiences focused on sharing your expertise on multiple platforms, including speaking, writing, podcasting, and media interviews.

On Purpose Book 3 Amazon
Become a Published Author

Whether it's your first book or your fifth, you'll reach new audiences as a featured author in the fourth edition of the On Purpose book series. Use the book to open doors to new opportunities and additional revenue. 

Hi There!


I’m Isha Cogborn -Founder and CEO of Epiphany Institute and creator of Platform for Purpose Incubator.

Isha Cogborn Speaker for Corporate Events

Since founding my professional development company 15 years ago, I’m grateful to have earned the trust of an amazing roster of clients, including Fortune 100 leaders, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and elected officials. 

My work is a mix of executive coaching and consulting, organizational training and keynote speaking. I even host a support group for entrepreneurs!

Organizations love to hire me for training because my relevant professional experiences, high energy, and life-coaching skills ensure that audiences will enjoy the learning environment I create. 

Individuals hire me because I focus on who YOU are and what YOU want, not a one-size-fits all path to success.


My Path from Corporate to Full-Time Expert

Isha Cogborn Corporate SpokespersonI’m a broadcast journalist by training, but realized months before graduation that I hated news and went into corporate communications instead. 

Early in my career, I coached senior leaders for media appearances, community speeches and employee broadcasts and townhall meetings. Even though some of them had been with the company longer than I had been alive, they valued my guidance and I made it comfortable to be vulnerable as they improved their skills.

When I got laid off during the recession in 2009, I wanted to move into full-time coaching and speaking, but I had a hard time figuring out the right path for support. If you want to hone your professional speaking skills, you sign up for a program that teaches you how to do it. Want to start a podcast? That’s a different program. Need help refining your business strategy or personal brand? You’ll need someone different for that.

And what makes it worse, they may all be giving you conflicting advice, which leaves you even more confused! 

I designed Platform for Purpose Incubator to give you a wide range of  tools, skills and education you’ll need to develop your strategy and make meaningful progress towards making a greater impact..without enrolling in 12 different programs! 

Isha Cogborn Media

Along my journey, I have published four books, hosted two television shows, three podcasts, had a recurring radio spot and magazine column, and appeared on a number of national and local media platforms.

Want to know what I’m most proud of? Helping 18 of my clients become first-time authors, equipping them to land their first paid speaking engagements, a TEDX talk, podcasts and radio shows. They’ve even been featured on media outlets like CNN. 

I want to put everything I know from all facets of my career to work for you. 

But it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. If it was easy, everyone would do it. 

Can I be transparent with you?

ADHD Isha Cogborn

I was diagnosed with ADHD in my early 30’s, but I’ve struggled with it all of my life. Consistency has ALWAYS  been a problem for me in my business. When I was in Corporate America, I delivered because there were deadlines that came with consequences. But when it came to building my platform, no one was going to fire me if I didn’t put out a new podcast episode for three weeks. 

This inconsistency has kept me from making the impact that I KNOW I’m capable of, and I’m pretty sick of it.

Some people will tell you that it’s because you’re not committed. That’s not always true. Sometimes we just don’t have the right support systems in place to enable our success. 

What has you frustrated when it comes to putting yourself out there?

  • Staying committed to building your platform when you’re already so busy?

  • Figuring out where to focus? (Podcasting? Blogging? Publish a book? Video show? Traditional media?)

  • Building credibility with your ideal audience?

  • Hearing crickets when you share valuable information?

  • Comparing yourself to others and feeling like you don’t have anything valuable to offer?

I want to let you in on a little secret...

You don't have to be perfect to make an impact. Inspirational quote from Isha Cogborn

You don’t have to be perfect, but you do need to take action. You’re always going to be busy. And chances are, you won’t see the results you desire without a structured approach and external accountability. 

That’s where Platform for Purpose Incubator comes in. 

In addition to developing skills to be more effective at delivering your message across multiple platforms, I designed the program to allow even the busiest professionals to make measurable progress towards building your personal brand outside of your current sphere of influence. 

If you have 40 hours a week to devote to building your platform, that’s great. But it’s also okay if you have a demanding job or family responsibilities and can only commit three hours a week. The key is consistency. And I have found that being surrounding by people working on common goals is a game-changer when it comes to staying the course. 

Wanna do this thing together?

What People Are Saying About Platform for Purpose

"I was getting asked to speak regularly, but I wasn’t getting paid to speak regularly. I learned how to market my specific speeches to the people who need to hear them in the language that they understand."
Jana Sanchez, Communications Speaker
Jana Sanchez
Communications Expert and Executive Coach
“I learned that there’s a real strategy around delivering a talk. It’s more than just showing up to a stage and delivering some bullet points. There’s so much more behind the scenes to make really make sure that people are getting what they need from you.”
Brenda Mariah Career Coach
Brenda Mariah
career strategist & CEO, Push career management
“You’re going to walk away feeling more empowered around the work that you do, seeing the value that it truly brings to the world and how you can continue making an impact.”
Kendra Tillman Leadership Coach
Kendra Tillman
Leadership development coach & consultant
“We deserve to invest in ourselves. And the benefit of what you get from this tremendous opportunity far outweighs what you’ll spend.”
Lisa Williams Staffing Strategy Consultant
Lisa Williams
global leader and tedx speaker

How Do You Know if Platform for Purpose Incubator is Right for You?

We provide several development experiences to equip experts, leaders and knowledge-based business owners to make a greater impact, including private coaching and the two-day Speakers Intensive training program. When you apply and schedule your interview, we’ll make sure we identify the right fit based on your goals. 

Our programs are best suited for individuals who:

  • Have a minimum of three years experience in their area of expertise (paid or volunteer).

  • Can define the problem they want to equip people to solve.

  • Willing to devote a minimum of three hours a week to platform-building activities for one year.

  • Coachable and willing to step outside of their comfort zone. 

When Does the Program Begin?

Platform for Purpose Incubator kicks off the first week of October, but you can get started right now!

Participants who are approved for early admission will receive monthly bonus one-on-one coaching sessions to get a jump start on the program, valued at $497/month AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.

Are You Ready to Take the Next Step?

Platform for Purpose Speaker and Media TrainingWe’ll start with a consultation so that I can learn more about your goals to determine if Platform for Purpose Incubator is the right step in your development. Additional program details and investment will be shared during that time, along with other coaching and training options. 

The sooner we meet, the sooner you’ll know if it’s right for you.  

Not ready to talk yet? How about a quick quiz? 

Want to ask a quick question? 

Shoot me an email.